By scaredinnyc - 14/11/2012 01:03 - United States - Trenton

Today, I was looking at tattoos and fell in love with a really cool looking one, so I decided to get it. I later showed it to a friend who is a cop. He informed me that it is a gang tattoo. I think I just put a target on my ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 994
You deserved it 31 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's why you never, ever get a tattoo out of a book. Always pay the extra to have it designed for you. It's worth the extra money.

You can try to embrace your newfound gang, what's the worst that can happen?


I got a tatoo of a small, simple black circle with small sharkfin shaped lines coming off of it on the back of my neck and it turns out that thats how Satan marks his favorite fallen angels in the popular book series "Fallen". It made my life living hell for about a month until my hair got long enough so you couldnt see it.

At least you'll get some new friends out of it!!

Therewhenneeded 16

Best to always research a tattoo before getting it and thinking long and hard about it. I am a tattoo advocate, yet seen too many friends and family members regret tattoos they got on spur of the moment.

good job. its morons like you who make the world think anyone with tattoos is dumb

YDI... You should put thought into what you tattoo on yourself. What you like one day you could hate in a year, and then what?

doglover100 28

Always research tattoos before getting one.

Always always research a tattoo before getting one.