By immisterbulldops - 08/12/2016 09:38 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I was helping my dad sell furniture online after a messy divorce. After organising everything to be picked up, it turned out the buyer was the guy Mum had the affair with. What are the chances? FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 969
You deserved it 704

immisterbulldops tells us more.

Hi this is my FML. I created an account to comment this... I guess that's the odd thing... the affair was actually online and through text. They never met in person haha!

Top comments

Not content with taking her love, he decided to come back for the loveseat too.

Higher than you think. When the guy saw the furniture, it reminded him of the great times he had on those pieces, so to speak.


Well, at least they bought them and didn't get them in the divorce? Either way, fyl

Now you can feel guilt free about sabotaging all that furniture once the money is in hand, crabs or lice anyone?

I guess you could say they have the same taste?

It's a small world after all... It's a small world after all... It's a small world after allllllll It's a small small woooooorld Didny worl

Higher than you think. When the guy saw the furniture, it reminded him of the great times he had on those pieces, so to speak.

I was thinking along the same lines, but more probable that the ex wife wanted the furniture back and sent her lover after it. Seems orchestrated to me.

Hi this is my FML. I created an account to comment this... I guess that's the odd thing... the affair was actually online and through text. They never met in person haha!

Really?!? That counts? If that's so, I'm a playa or a man-*****!

jnugzzz 6

Ask anyone you're in a relationship with if they think that's cheating. I can almost guarantee they won't be okay with it.

Nah just a regular run of the mill ********

"The affair was online. They never met in person!" Yeah, no. That's just what she told you, so that she was able to get more money in the divorce. If you knew he had been having her doggy style every saturday, she would have gotten significantly less money in the divorce, for obvious reasons (Judges tend to frown on sexually cheating wives/husbands. Whereas "email cheating" is viewed as bad, but much less bad in terms of "fault" for the divorce.) I feel very sorry for your situation, but in the future, I suggest being smart and hiring a good (but reasonably priced) private investigator to get documented proof and pictures of her cheating, whereabouts, etc. That way you wont have to give her much if anything in court. Females lie. "I only talked to him online, I never actually met him baby!" Yeah right. And no, to the feminists commenting, i'm not speaking from personal experience.... I'm speaking from my knowledge of human psychology and behavior in a general sense, and also from textbooks, studying, college, and I own a huge business. I know people very well. She was probably not being honest. Sorry to say. If she had never met him in person, she would not have wanted to divorce you for a guy shes never even met! Think about it. Who would divorce someone they are married to and know they like, for a total stranger they dont even know looks like they do? DUH! It probably STARTED OUT online (she told you a half-truth so she felt less guilty) BUT at some point, BEFORE she asked you for the divorce, she started meeting up with him and having sex with him. I absolutely promise you

Not content with taking her love, he decided to come back for the loveseat too.

This is your chance, strike now! Strike hard!

That B**** knew! Like she wouldn't recognize the furniture she probably helped buy in the first place?

zeffra13 31

Are the buyer and your mom still together? Maybe she just wanted to keep the furniture and bought it back but sent him to pick it up.