By thisblows - 11/04/2009 20:42 - United States

Today, I was at a professional hockey game. I wasn't paying attention and a puck was shot into the stands and hit me in the face. My mouth was bleeding and I lost two teeth. As I was trying to cough up my teeth the old man next to me shoved me over and stole the puck. Everyone cheered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 514
You deserved it 48

Top comments

luigi23_fml 0

that sucks you should have punched him

Stupid old man. Should have nailed him in the mouth and taken the puck. See how many cheers you would have gotten...


You're lucky to be alive! I've heard about people dying from getting hit by a hockey puck.

Elbow the old guy in the neck and grab the puck

I've choked on teeth :( it's horrible. FYL OP :(

Mcstud1y 30

That's pretty impressive considering the arenas are lined with plastic plexi glass windows so it's impossible for that to happen.

heatherrr17 19

Thats dumb u got hit by it u should get the puck

risingtide 19

Sounds worse than Baudelaire's series of unfortunate events