By outsmartedbykids - 28/05/2014 16:28 - United States - Lake Mills

Today, I was at a buffet with my kids and husband. As my boys got up to get more food, I told them they'd better come back with something green on their plate. They both came back with mint ice cream and got a high-five from my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 631
You deserved it 30 856

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rosebudx 32

At least you've taught them to listen closely.


Cleverness should be praised, not discouraged :)

You have some really smart boys. Bet your proud!

Hahahahahaah those kids are going places

cookie1207 19

I see future in gouverment for those kids.

You can't get mad OP you gave them a loophole you said something green and they did get something green if you had said a veggie then you be allowed to be annoyed at the mint ice cream

That's no FML, that's just ******* smart! if you really want them to eat their veggies, just tell them to get veggies next time, no way to abuse the wording then. It's all you OP, it's all you.

josiemorehouse 12

Oh lighten up, OP!! :) That was definitely high-five worthy!! Hehe! I'm sure the kids knew what they were doing. And if it was that important, next time make them start the buffet at the salad bar! :) Besides, it's a buffet night out, let them have their fun. I'm sure it's not every night you treat them to a buffet. One meal with little to no veggies won't hurt them once in a while. My kids are 14 and 10, and while at home, they make healthy choices for snacks and dinner with fresh fruits and veggies. But when we go out once in a while, we let them enjoy whatever it is they want. Kids will be kids. Laugh it up, and make the next dinner at home full of their fave veggies!! :) this is neither YDI or FML, just good ol' funny!!