By naive_girl - 04/07/2016 00:11 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I sold my Christmas gift from my father on eBay as I'm so desperate for cash. It's also the day I got scammed by an eBay buyer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 921
You deserved it 3 730

naive_girl_fml tells us more.

OP here :) the gift was definitely thoughtless as it was an expensive fountain pen that I have zero use for unfortunately. I told my dad I loved it though...I got scammed because the buyer falsely claimed it was used when it arrived (HE used it). He then opened a case on eBay, sent me loads of aggressive email abuse, threatened legal action and requested my contact details from eBay (so now he has my phone number!). eBay ruled in his favour so I had to refund him... ? I sent the parcel tracked, used Paypal etc. That's the problem really - he is too protected he can just lie and keep the pen and the money!

Top comments

That's awful! You can't even request the pen be returned before reimbursing him?

If you need help with money there are services you can reach out to- but selling a present your dad has got you and put thought into is pretty inconsiderate


If you need help with money there are services you can reach out to- but selling a present your dad has got you and put thought into is pretty inconsiderate

I agree, but then if it was a gift they really didn't like I don't see it as being that big of a deal. I wouldn't want someone to keep a gift I got them if it was worth money they really needed and they didn't really like it. Like yeah its a bit rude but I don't think its that bad.

sylvienoir 18

yeah, but that expensive watch he got 2 christmases ago wont feed or shelter his family. priorities, dude.

I hope the OP explains this one. What were the particulars of the scam? Did Op send the item before receiving payment? Did the scanmer pay and then make bogus claims to ebay/paypal/whatever to get a refund? What is this tomfoolery

hbs11476 9

File a claim with eBay. And from now on only accept PayPal as payment. And NEVER send the package until you receive payment. Better luck next time.

No they don't. It depends on what the seller accepts. Some accept bank deposits, checks, cash on pick up. Paypal is just the easiest and most popular method.

OP here :) the gift was definitely thoughtless as it was an expensive fountain pen that I have zero use for unfortunately. I told my dad I loved it though...I got scammed because the buyer falsely claimed it was used when it arrived (HE used it). He then opened a case on eBay, sent me loads of aggressive email abuse, threatened legal action and requested my contact details from eBay (so now he has my phone number!). eBay ruled in his favour so I had to refund him... ? I sent the parcel tracked, used Paypal etc. That's the problem really - he is too protected he can just lie and keep the pen and the money!

That's awful! You can't even request the pen be returned before reimbursing him?

Same thing happened with my mom and a bike! Guy scammed my mom and eBay too his side!!! And they wonder why I barley buy from them.

cranberries_fml 17

I often wheat a few seconds and read over comments before I submit them

dereksboo44 16

Why does he get to keep the pen? He should have to return it at least before he gets any refund, because at least then you wouldn't have gotten a free pen.

Yeah agreed I couldn't sell it again if it's been used :( I haven't used it (my birthday is January) so I would only get rid of it anyway rather than have it clutter up my room. Also I feel really gross about it thinking that this person has used it....aside from the obviously security concerns I feel giving him my address when he has been so aggressive and threatening via email and eBay. So I suppose he has won! Annoying

Join the club that's why I don't sell on eBay anymore!

mds9986 24

eBay will side with the buyer 100% of the time. It's a trash website now.

Did you call eBay? I sell on eBay...Anytime something like this happens, call & talk to someone....especially when they are sending threatening & abusive messages. Representative can look at abusive messages & suspend their account. I have had similar situations & luckily it has always worked out in my favor instead of the scammers favor (sometimes you may need to call more than once to get a competent representative)....P.S. I would never give out my phone number. It's important to message only through eBay so there is a record of all conversations (especially when there's scamming / abuse involved). :)

Same thing happened to me but on Amazon. A guy bought a never been used textbook from me, waited exactly a semester time (bought it a week before classes usually start and tried returning the same week classes end) to claim he never got the textbook. I went into a tiring annoying process having to show proof the item was delivered and I told Amazon straight up that who wait months to claim they never received their item? I won but that made me not want to ever sell anything ever again on any website. I'm sorry it wasn't won in your favor. The lengths people go through amazes me.

14, he can't request for the return because the buyer had claimed he never received the pen.

no it was said he claimed it was used.

If you need some extra cash, sign up for some of those survey websites. I use Harrris Poll, and get paid in gift cards. It's not much, but it helps. It's free and easy. I'm not spamming, just trying to help.

So those are legit? I see them all the time on tumblr and such, but from deactivated accounts so I haven't really trusted them before.

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Yep, Karma's a bitch, 16, and I hope it kicks you square in the ass. Selling something you have no use for when the other options are: Don't eat, don't have a house, don't have a car, it's the better option. I suppose, though, that you're the type of person who thinks it'd be funny to scam others, then be the first to complain when someone screws you in return.

that's not possible. you don't ship until you get paid.