By LexiJ1 - 02/06/2014 12:00 - Australia

Today, I searched up ways to fix my eyebrows since they were so bushy and thick. I took my tweezers and set to work. It went to shit. So now, I have one completely straight eyebrow that makes me look like Bert from Sesame Street and another that's arched like Nina Dobrev's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 764
You deserved it 21 541

LexiJ1 tells us more.

Oh no I love the comments. You. Guys are actually kinda making me feel a little better. And I love the creativity!! I'm sorry for ruining my eyebrows but I'm not a Prick tyvm. Btw, I have school tomorrow....I can just imagine the round nicknames I'll get......-_-'

Top comments

Scruggalicious 13

Maybe you should BROWS the internet looking for a solution:)

I bet you Google could help you with that question.


I highly doubt someone can **** up that bad lol

Why do everyone seem to give up so fast, after one unsuccessful time with plucking. I don't NEED to go to a salon - just don't hurry next time you do it and don't do a whole brow at a time - go back and forth between them. I had a few weird brow looks, but it didn't take long before I learnt how to do my own brows. Now it takes no time, costs nada and looks pretty damn good. Salons are good for consultation, but you can go there, get recommendations, then follow them at home.

rshred 8

At least now you'll look like you're interested in everything people say.

lixa123 3

Well at least when your trying to raise and eyebrow up you won't have to

Should've gone to someone professional. They can start you off, & then you just tweeze out the small hairs that grow every now and then

Quanyn 5

I get my eyebrows waxed for around $18 including tip and it lasts for over a month. Well worth it. I was horrible at plucking mine.

In the nearly 30 years since I've been doing women & men's hair; never ONCE have I seen a woman know how to tweeze their own eyebrows, or a man know when to cut his before they look like azalea bushes, their nose hairs before he starts to look like Hitler; and GOD forbid they trim their ears so they don't keep going, "What?!" Amen to that!

Go to the nail salon and get them to fix it