This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By sunny_moonbeam - 22/02/2016 20:44 - United States - Hayward

Today, I received a chocolate bar from my grandmother. It wasn't until I was stuck in traffic that I realized the chocolates were laxatives. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 079
You deserved it 98

Top comments

Unlike the road, you won't be backed up.

obliviongillette 18

Your Grandma do these kids say it these days? Savage af?


llamarrama01 21

What an unfortunate situation

Good luck with that! I hope you clenched tight and made it through!

Interesting sense of humor your grandmother has.

Try to make a pit stop, and hopefully you aren't on a tight schedule. Wish you the best of luck in the laxatives shenanigans.

Unlike the road, you won't be backed up.

Surprise! The fun is in the waiting now

obliviongillette 18

Your Grandma do these kids say it these days? Savage af?

I probably would have done the same just for the heck of it. Anyway FYL

Your sneaky grandma. She knew traffic would be a crap shoot that time of day.