By dontfencemein - 22/07/2011 04:25 - United States

Today, I paid $5000 for a new fence in my backyard for my dogs. My dog escaped three hours after the contractor finished the fence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 125
You deserved it 4 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmaoatall 6

your dogs fml- today, our owners spent $5000 to contain us. $5000 could have bought us toys and treats for a couple of years. **** this, we are oughta here.


justbigbs 6

For $5000 I expect nothing to get in or out, the F*****. I agree with number 2 sue them for ineffective product. But if you accidently left the door open, YDI. Tying a dog down with a leash does seem cruel, I would of done the same get a fence up. But dang.... Good luck getting your dog back, but you can always get a new puppy, awww puppy make sure you get a from a shelter not a store.

edgarMora123 0

you're stupid but pay me 5,000 and maybe u and me can have sex

AtmosFEAR4701 0

At least you still have a new fence! :)

58s 0

Call him back and make the fence higher. Dogs can be fiesty.

Maybe you should just tie your dog up when he's outside? Those are way cheaper than fences.

yikes. This makes me glad I married a construction guy. $5000????