By Fgjvshnb - 06/07/2015 03:54 - United States - Watertown

Today, I once again asked my girlfriend about getting married, as she had previously said she would only get married once gay marriage was legal. She still said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 087
You deserved it 3 273

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Top comments

She meant in Russia. You've still got a couple years to wait!


Edit: Good for you OP! She deserved to be dumped! You can't stay with someone just to "kill time".

Gwyddone 29

Wow. Sorry about that, seems like your feelings weren't mutual.

Yup. It's kind of sad that people use excuses like this rather than simply... talking to each other.

I think that she probably didn't plan on gay marriage happening in her lifetime.

BuckNekkid 22

well that's ghey, time to move on

You realise gay marriage has been legal in MA since around 2004, right?

You realize OP could've moved back home or something after breaking up. You realize it's still only legal for that state with lots of tax benefits federally still missing before. Jeez some people

MrThump 16

A: she's still not ready. B: she's really gay and will marry only same sex. C: she's just not that into you.

MzZombicidal 36