By nicOlyMpien - 03/06/2010 01:30 - India

Today, I’m in India. As a good foreigner, I want to adapt myself and to do everything like the locals. I tried to get off the bus while it was still rolling. I lost a pair of jeans, a knee and my dignity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 530
You deserved it 248

Top comments

Nice of you to try fit in, but maybe next time wait till the bus actually stops

I hear it's pretty crowded there but I hope you find your knee


sooweird 3

Hey most BMTC buses in Karnataka now stop completely. Also always get down in the direction the bus is moving. Even before you get down look to your left and right to see if any bikes are trying to overtake. Bike's generally overtake on the wrong side frequently. You don't need to end up getting hit by a bike.

way to use your brain OP. Im sure you if you pulled off this rad stunt the locals wouldve totally gotten wet for you. or perhaps just not notice and go about their own lives because lets face it, getting off a moving bus aint shit in india.

Until you actually don't know the real trick it can happen easily. Before doing anything how others are doing it try to understand the trick. Still, salute your intention dear.