By LaneyyenaL - 19/07/2010 04:38 - United States

Today, I learned that there's nothing quite like coming downstairs in a t-shirt and panties, only to discover your fiancé has a bunch of his friends over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 157
You deserved it 8 573

Laneyyenal tells us more.

I'm the OP and it wasn't a huge deal as you all are making it out to be for me. A friend told me I should post it here to see if it got published. I'm not fat, and the only hair I have is what's on my head...If I had known the guys it would have been different, but these were guys that I have never met before. And its easy to not hear what's going on downstairs when the TV is on and the guys are all getting high, so there's no extra voices going on. I don't generally parade around in little to no clothing...but to each their own. Way to make this a way bigger deal than it needs to be people...

Top comments

Meh. There's not much difference between panties and those short shorts anyway.


kiakia0131 23

Haha. Like everyone else said, it could have been worse-you could have been naked... Besides, if you were wearing those boy short style undies it would be like having really short shorts on.

I did that with my brothers 13 year old friend >.

v_garcia3 0

I don't get it, why would u walk around in panties if u live with ur brothers still?!? that's just a lil weird for me

nouie 0

She's not living with her brother, she said that the friends were of her fiance's, not her brother's. :)

perdix 29

What's the matter, were there skid marks on your panties? Or was your wild bush protruding?

sakura10190210 0

Haha. that sucks op but hey at least you had something on

cptmorgan15 2

Panties pretty much cover everything up. A t-shirt also covers everything up. This is not an FML moment...