By why is there no 'family' category? - 30/08/2018 16:00 - Australia

Today, I learned that my mum makes it a habit to listen at the door whenever I'm on the toilet to make sure my "bowels are in tip-top shape". FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 098
You deserved it 189

Top comments

That’s no good. She’s gotta come in and examine your feces and stick her finger up your ass and feel around. The really good moms these days have their own colonoscopes. Sorry your mom is just half-assing it.

Is your mom in the nursing field? I had a teacher in school that monitored her kids bowels. They were small children though.


Is your mom in the nursing field? I had a teacher in school that monitored her kids bowels. They were small children though.

Your mom is the poop whisper 😂🤣🤣

That’s no good. She’s gotta come in and examine your feces and stick her finger up your ass and feel around. The really good moms these days have their own colonoscopes. Sorry your mom is just half-assing it.

Plop, Plop! Whizz, Whizz! Oh what a relief it is!

She’s just trying to cover the fact that she’s checking making sure your not jerking off.

Well at least you know that you're being watched on..

samomaha 17

All I can say is, "Eeeeeeewwwww!"