By Anonymous - 06/03/2010 17:13 - United States

Today, I learned it's not a good idea to answer your phone with "F*** off!" just because you're having a bad day. It could just be your pastor on the other end. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 569
You deserved it 49 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know anyone idiotic enough to answer a phone with f*ck off.

Why didn't you look who it was? This is YDI at so many levels it's unreal...


acesarge 0

Just be happy it wasn't your boss.

spartan_girl 0

to everyone asking why a pastor would call someone, a few examples: (I'm sure there are more) -leading up to my wedding, I talked to the pastor who performed the ceremony on the phone several times, making plans for pre-marital counseling, and the rehearsal, etc. (pastors tend to do counseling for other things too, so I'm sure they'd call about that) -when I moved and starting going to a new church, the pastor called after I signed in as a guest to see how my experience was and if I had any questions, and to invite me back OP- YDI for saying that to any unknown caller.

Apotheosis5267 0

I did exactly the same to my hair stylist LOL xD

Pandacharm 0

religious people, hypocrites for 2000 years plus!

because clearly, the fact this "religious" person (the fact she's swearing into the phone without knowing who it is suggests she's not really) is a hypocrite means all of them are? Sure. I guess I might just go round saying "Muslims, terrorists for 1500 years plus!"

ozymandias_fml 0

YDI. Not for screaming obscenities into the phone, but for having not just a pastor, but a pastor that calls you for some bizarre reason.

what, are pastors not allowed to use phones? Are they not allowed to talk to other people? Geez. How about you look at how a church operates sometime - it's a bunch of people who generally get along pretty well. I don't know everybody at my church, but it's definitely not weird for one of the church leaders, even the main minister, to call me.

lol thats why being an atheist is easier :D

canadasucksthese 0

Your pastor calls you? Whatever you do dont swallow

Zyzzva 0

Just tell him you meant it in the Biblical sense.