By pirsquared - 28/01/2012 01:20 - United States

Today, I had to Google how to find the area of a circle. I'm working on my PhD in engineering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 854
You deserved it 36 628

Same thing different taste


I'm 15 and I know the area of a circle=pi r2 and the area of a sphere=3/4 pi r3

I think that volume is wrong. Integrating a r^2 which is present in a circle to get the r^3 in volume would give you a 3 in bottom, not the top.

ladyraider22 0

Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear area of a circle equals 3.14r^2

hartrum 0

It's 3.14x radius squared because there is 2 radiuses Ina. Diameter

yess and there are six radians in a circle im glad we all know our grade school math

Hey, what did the engineer say to the tool maker? "Would you like fries with that?" Point in case once again that 99% of engineers are a waste of space... But congrats, you are NOT the 1%. #occupyfuturemcdonaldsenployee

HearMeComin 0

I'm 14 and I kno :) pi x radius squared !!!

pi (r squared). I leaned that in elementary school

krs7g4 8

Really, you've never forgotten something that you once knew well then?