By lspicknall - 12/05/2012 06:41 - United States - Hartland

Today, I got all my wisdom teeth out. Have you ever thrown up after mouth surgery? Stomach acid in your bloody gum holes is just as fun as it sounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 758
You deserved it 2 204

lspicknall tells us more.

Sorry darling! You really do just fall asleep then you wane up you're done! Just make sure to have ice packs and lots of cold soft foods

Top comments

kevsnev 7

Oh my lanta! Hope you feel better!

Oh man. Getting wisdom teeth out is bad enough. Doing anything afterwards hurts, I can't imagine how throwing up would feel.


I threw up after major jaw surgery, my mouth was shut closed with 47 elastics, so the majority came out my nose

I feel your pain, worst experience ever.

Ciaraaaa44 2

lmfao that's hilarious! poor you!

I feel your pain! When I got my wisdom teeth pulled my doctor said that I shouldn't do any activity that would cause my blood pressure to rise for 2 weeks. In a YDI moment: One week later I decided that I was well enough to do my camp counselor job. Long story short- the stitches in my gums got ripped out...

I've done that before. For me the worst part was the forced stretching of my jaw. It ripped my stitches out and I had to get them redone.

Argh, that sounds awful. I hope you feel better soon!

michelleee24 0

Yes I have done this last week actually when I had all my wisdom teeth out! Vicodone makes me sick on an empty stomach. Feel better !

kassi505 7

i hear so many horrible things about having your wisdom teeth pulled, i get my out next week and now i'm just terrified.

I feel your pain. The painkillers they prescribed me were too hard on my stomach; something I didn't realize until I took a third one(the bottle said no more than 2 a day) because I was in so much pain and threw up shortly after. 5 times.