By freeachickadee - 10/10/2014 03:32 - United States - Old Bridge

Today, I found out that I am "un-promotable" to the job that I have been promised for the last two years because, I "don't suffer idiots well." Idiots. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 854
You deserved it 3 782

freeachickadee tells us more.

OP Here. I don't suffer idiots well means that I don't tolerate or deal with idiots well. Which is utter crap. It is an excuse to get out of giving me the promotion they've been promising me for years. Now they have an alternate (totally unqualified candidate) so they are passing me over. FML. Onto bigger and better things I guess.

Top comments

lakaiskate 12

Time to work for someone who appreciates your talents.

#9, where do I find one of these jobs?


lakaiskate 12

Time to work for someone who appreciates your talents.

FYL. That is a pretty funny reason though.

No it's not.. It's like an excuse to get out of a promise to OP. I don't find that funny at all...

Sorry to hear that OP. On the bright side you still have a job (it really sucks that you have to deal with idiots but that is the case with most jobs).

You should find a job where the people there aren't idiots

#9, where do I find one of these jobs?

on the couch at home receiving unemployment checks. (note: not all people abuse the system. i am merely being funny)

Be your own boss and fire the idiots.

Manosapo 18

Time to look for a better job