By cheated - 11/03/2010 12:50 - Australia

Today, I found out my ex boyfriend who recently cheated on me and broke up with me for another girl, has herpes. Guess how I found out? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 250
You deserved it 4 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's actually really sad. I feel for people who STDs from someone they trust.

#2 makes me hate all of those girls who think ALL men are pricks


kidcucumber 0

lol @ all the Internet fighting. this ***** awesome! fagasaurus rex

milf20 0

oh my! that's terrible! people are messed up!!!! herpes is for life.. =[

azn365 0

@100: ur a self centered douchebag. And to the other ppl who r prejudiced against the opposite sex: there is no reason y one gender would be superior to the other so deal with it.

icychill67 1

a magical dragon came and told you lol

perdix 29

snick, I am confused. You say that one should wait until they get married to have sex and you believe in monogamy. You also say you are bisexual. This doesn't compute. Are you going to marry a man and have sex with him and him alone? If so, how are you going to act on the lesbian side of your desires? One is not bisexual if they have actual sex with one gender, but are only theoretically attracted to the other. Of course as time passes, perhaps gay marriage would be available and you could marry a woman and merely dream about doing it with manly men (I can't think of any examples ;) ) I still don't see how that qualifies as bisexual. What am I missing?

i ask guys if they have herpes b4 stuff happens lol

perdix 29

Actually, snick, I was going to say that now you are really asexual, but I didn't think it was necessary. What are you going to do if you find the perfect woman, but live in a place that doesn't allow gay marriage? And what is the criterion for deciding when a lesbian loses her virginity?