By Anonymous - 18/10/2015 14:23 - United States - Marshall

Today, I found my daughter's fanfiction account. I need a new pair of eyes, or brain bleach, or both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 926
You deserved it 5 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to talk to your kid op, that stuff can get pretty graphic. Unless you believe she's old enough. Then ydi if she is.


Hey, OP, that's, most of the time, personal writings akin to a diary. I'm willing to bet your daughter published that under a pseudonym of some sort.

leogachi 15

@48 A diary is something you write for only yourself. If the daughter publishes her stories to websites, she has no right to use the "it's private" defense because she's already made it public.

KryssLB 14

If she didn't post it under her own name then she has a legitimate reason to expect that it won't follow her into her real life unless she voluntarily shows it to someone. OP didn't say what site it was on but most accounts (the biggest site) are under pseudonyms.

leogachi 15

@163 Whether she expects it or not is irrelevant. She should be aware that it's possible.

Be proud she's able to be creative and publish her work. Even if it's something you don't like.

If i saw this earlier i would have prsyed for you at Mass

GoogieWithers 22

Serves you right for snooping!

leogachi 15

@51 How do you know he was snooping? Maybe she left her account open on the family computer.

HerpNdurp88 0

All the people saying she needs Jesus crack me up lol.

I can only offer advice. when I was younger I wrote some. parents found it. I was told mom wished she never had me. ...Don't do that. lol just bring it up, give her tips to better her writing, and maybe avoid the sexual nature until she's older depending on age.

Same thing here happened to me, buddy. Best of luck to OP.

I'm scared to know what she may have written

Try asking reddit for help. Then you'll realise it's not that bad.

davek 36