By hipprep83 - 20/03/2009 17:40 - United States

Today, I found a bell that had been tied into the tassel of my ski hat by my twin sister as part of a longstanding prank war between us. I'm deaf and have apparently been jingling like an elf for over a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 509
You deserved it 58

Top comments

Ender_ 0

That's actually kind of funny. Now you should get her back.

Hahaha, I'm sorry but that sounds really cute!!


xolotl 0

This isn't an FML. You said this is a prank war, so you've been going back and forth, right? So? Get her back.

i don't think that's funny, i think thats terrible. shes deaf. i feel sorry for her

I'm glad you posted it because that is pretty funny assuming that because of the prank war you have a good enough sense of humor to laugh at the situation although it is pretty messed up but hey you can get away with that stuff toward your family...

blacklagoon_fml 0

Are you the same deaf guy who signed to this sister about the lady in the elevator having a "fine ass" and then it turned out she could also sign? Lol

burdenofaday 0
hipprep83 0

Alrighty #12 - I'm not a chick. And #16 the bell was a little smaller than a dime and hidden within a large ball of yarn at the base of the tassel. And for everyone one else, trust me, she'll be getting hers eventually and revenge will be sweet.

InsaneOblongata 0

I think that's kinda cute. Definitely not an fml though.

Get multiple alarm clocks (watches, cell phones, etc), and hide them all over her room. Set them to go off within three minutes of each other, at any early hour of the morning X D

EffYourLyf 0

It's kind of harsh to play that kind of joke on a deaf person... but then again you asked for it because it IS a prank war, you should of expected the most.