By lolhailsatan - 20/01/2016 03:07 - United States - Saginaw

Today, I confided in my best friend about my recent weight loss, and how it was due to lack of appetite because of my horrible depression and anxiety. She congratulated me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 129
You deserved it 2 055

lolhailsatan tells us more.

lolhailsatan 23

Hey, OP here. First off I want to thank everyone who gave me advice, it really means a lot. I'm in highschool still, so it's really difficult to get help without dragging my folks into this (which I really don't want to do) so honestly, every bit of advice helps! As for my friend, this was not a "looking for the positives to make you feel better" thing, it was definitely a "weight loss is always good no matter the method" thing. I am average weight, and honestly not really looking to lose any pounds right now, so the "compliment" wasn't taken by me in a good way, nor do I think it should have. I am constantly physically hungry, but the thought of eating often sickens me, and whenever I can stomach food, it's in small, unfulfilling amounts. It sucks, I have no energy, and my stomach is growling all the time. So yeah, this is is not a good weight loss method haha. However, I talked this through with my friend, and she now understands that what she said isn't helpful. In fact she now is one of the most caring people for me whenever I am having problems. I'm glad I chose to explain things to her a bit more:) Anyway, sorry this is so long winded! Thanks again for the advice and the kind words

Top comments

Perhaps try seeking out professional help?

man that sucks. try and get some help with what you're going through. good luck OP!


I'm not condoning what she said in anyway but maybe she didn't realise the weight behind your confession? I've had a friend who told her parents that she was suffering with depression and I don't think they really understood what that meant and that she was just going 'through a phase'. The world has unfortunately tainted some people to think that way! Maybe I'm trying to see the light in everyone and I'm just hoping she's not a horrible person thinking this is a good thing! On a side note, it's good that you've recognised your issues and that the weight loss is related to that. Knowing your problem can often be the thing that kick starts you to do something about it. I'm not sure of your physical activities or your interests but maybe something physical (like dancing or boxing or something like that) might help as a bit of a pick me up. Wish you the best OP :)

How could her friend realize the weight behind the confession, when OPs problem is the loss of weight due to her anxiety and depression.

No pun intended, I wasn't referring to her actual weight I meant her friend may not have realised how much it took for OP to talk to her. Some people don't know how long something has been playing on someone's mind before they open up.

Its very true that a lot of people don't understand depression Unless they've gone through it its very hard to understand, and even some who have dealt with depression at one point might not understand depending on the severity of the issues Her friend said something dumb and probably didn't know it

So many people say they're depressed when really they just mean they're down or going through a more difficult and emotionally low point. Similarly, people say they have anxiety when they're just nervous about something. There are also huge difference in the levels of anxiety and depression one can have. Unfortunately this means that sometimes people will hear that someone is depressed or anxious and not realize the severity of it due to the overuse and overplayed terms. Sit down with her again and explain the severity of your depressions and anxiety and ask her for her help and empathetic ear.

trellz17 19

Congratulations on your weight loss OP! Love ya.

He/she was never your friend in the first place.

try explaining your situation more for her maybe shell understand i ve been through this from before so dw

Sorry OP truly I've been there and still struggle. I hope you can find peace. Depression/anxiety I personally feel like YOU have to make the decision to make peace with it. not medicine not doctors. I suggest meditation and oranges!!

uchihadesendent 14

Either she's not a true friend of doesn't understand what you're going through.

I've had depression for several years and I've only gained weight. Honestly, despite that I know personally how horrid depression is, I'd probably congratulate you too (and be jealous).

It's pretty sad even people here are trying to make it a positive thing. Are we really do obsessed with being thin it doesn't matter if you're healthy or not, just if you are losing weight? Whether you were a healthy weight before or not? Op's HEALTH should be the concern, not the fact they're getting skinnier.

NickTheBleak 2

Your brain is part of your body. What do you do if something feels wrong with any other part of your body? Please go to a doctor. A general practitioner is enough. Besides medication (if even needed), they can recommend lifestyle changes, and recommend a therapist. Be proactive, and be your own advocate.