This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By phalanges en fuego - 06/07/2017 22:37

Today, I'm taking my 44-year-old sister to a nice resort for her birthday. She's bringing her baby doll, which she insists on treating as if it's really her baby, along with its carriage, car seat, bottles, and diapers. Two. Whole. Days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 653
You deserved it 754

phalangesenfuego tells us more.

phalangesenfuego 11

OP here. First off, she's not mentally or emotionally disabled...well, maybe emotionally disturbed, but not disabled. My sister and I are very different, and I try to maintain a relationship with her even though we don't have much in common besides our childhood. She started collecting dolls a few years ago, and it has grown to this. I never quite know what I'm going to walk into during our least it's not boring????

Top comments

neuronerd 28

I don't mean this in a mean way at all, but does she have a disability or did she possibly have a miscarriage that impacted her deeply? I don't mean to pry, but you did post this, and I feel there's a lot more to the story than you're telling us.

LeoCor 19

What if it isn't a baby doll? What f you went insane to think it's a baby doll? You're actually at the looney bin for 2 days as they figure out what's wrong.


|amara| 3

She's your sister you should love her. You must be ashamed that you're sad that you have to hang out with her! You should love her especially if she's 40 years old! I hope you Will appreciate it next time! :-(

I assume you are OP's sister since you are defending her so strongly and posted the same comment multiple times. What is the back story - Why the doll?

|amara| 3

She's your sister you should love her. You must be ashamed that you're sad that you have to hang out with her! You should love her especially if she's 40 years old! I hope you Will appreciate it next time! :-(

|amara| 3

She's your sister you should love her. You must be ashamed that you're sad that you have to hang out with her! You should love her especially if she's 40 years old! I hope you Will appreciate it next time! :-(

thatslifeiguess7 16

I met a women in a store with one and it was so life like weird!! a friend bought one for her mom with Alzheimer's. this needs a follow-up

I really hope your sister is getting some professional help because this is... not normal behavior. If she's not seeing someone, please try and get her help.

Wow... okay, I'm a doll collector and I love Barbies, but I'd never treat a doll like that. Now, if she does have some sort of PTSD from a miscarriage or something, or if she desperately wants a baby, that's different, but if it's just a hobby? It might be time for an intervention.

Marissaj19 3

they are called reborns and they are really expensive dolls

phalangesenfuego 11

OP here. First off, she's not mentally or emotionally disabled...well, maybe emotionally disturbed, but not disabled. My sister and I are very different, and I try to maintain a relationship with her even though we don't have much in common besides our childhood. She started collecting dolls a few years ago, and it has grown to this. I never quite know what I'm going to walk into during our least it's not boring????

And you speak to your sister, let alone take her out on this kinda amazing gift, why?

phalangesenfuego 11

I guess I'm just too nice?

It's probably a reborn. A lot of people like them. They're really expensive and help older people who miss having babies to take care of. She should have left it at home though, I mean it's only two days.