By Anonymous - 26/08/2009 18:55 - United States

Today, I accidentally ran my thumb down the cheese grater while preparing lunch beside my wife. I instantly jerked my hand away from the grater just in time run my forearm across the knife she was using. I now have 20 stitches and 5 staples in my arm, no lunch, and a puking wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 849
You deserved it 4 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is a classic fml. that really sucks. and who the **** votes YDI on this?


metaah 0

I think the wife was puking because his skin got into the cheese and she'd have to eat that later.. OP: That's a genuine FML.

Where are all those "Bitch, make me a sammich!" idiots when you need them?! This might be the one time they could contribute some humor to this site. One of them could have said, "YDI for doing your wife's job! Does she sit on the couch, watch the game and scratch her nuts? Hell, no, that's YOUR job!"

haha I've been wondering the same thing!! Those guys haven't been around much lately. EDIT: read Sherlock Holmes'

I agree. It's like those guys all suddenly disappeared into thin air. Right along with that Mike kid. Maybe they all found something better to do than spending all their time on fml?

screwtaylor 0

Make me a ******* sandwhich, OP. Don't get any blood into my Ham and Cheese though, or I'll give you 20 more stiches. :F THERE YOU GO, PLEXYPOO.

Haha. "Plexypoo". I don't care how many people bitch at you, Screwtaylor, I think you're funny.

screwtaylor 0

Aw, thank you, Intoxicunt. :D

sublime93 0

It doesn't really work if you're a girl yourself...

This just sucks big time, but twenty stitches? if you were a real man, you would have used duct tape. furthermore this is all your fault for trying to do womens work.

mansen 15

@Sherlock_holmes...dude have you ever used duct tape to hold a wound back together to let it heal??? I mean a big wound??? I've used duct tape, hockey tape, electricians tape....and ew ew ew ew ew, it just doesn't work. It gets all goopy in the wound and all the umm 'juices' stay in there so when you peel the tape off, no matter how carefully, you have all this watery mess running out, and are left with a gaping open, soggy gross wound. Ummm, only reason I know this is that I hate going to emerg to get stitches and having to explain the stupid stunts I figured I could 'try' to do that resulted in said gaping wounds (skateboards, roofs, cars...). And I'm a girl that did that tried the at home's not just a man up thing ;P

Towelie_31 0
idratherbewrestl 0

boo! ydi for being a little bitch from a little cut andjerking around

i've done the first part before. gashed the tip, tore off half the fingernail, and split the remainder of it. fyi

I'm sorry, but I laughed my ass off. The Imagery was ******* hilarious.