By Wolf6661 - 14/03/2016 18:29 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, as a mascot for a pet store, I had to fake my own death to stop a little girl having a temper tantrum because she couldn't take me home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 812
You deserved it 1 766

Wolf6661 tells us more.

OP here, to fill in the gaps the little girl was about 8 maybe 9 and the parents did try and stop her but it wasn't working, so I felt they needed a hand. To answer the questions of how she reacted, well after she poked and prodded my "dead body", let's just say my ears are still ringing from her shrill little scream of outrage at my "death". Alright well have a nice day y'all taco taco burrito.

Top comments

I just hope the little girl wasn't traumatized by your death!

Aww, I'm sure the parent was grateful for your quick solution. Albeit, a creative one. Good job! :)


Millionman24 16

well that sucks at least someone wanted you in not saying that you are lonely

I think that perhaps your thoughts move too quickly for punctuation...

Never heard of comma's and dots/periods before?

Aww, I'm sure the parent was grateful for your quick solution. Albeit, a creative one. Good job! :)

I just hope the little girl wasn't traumatized by your death!

Well, if it helps her stop being spoiled and throwing temper tantrums, I would say it's worth it. We all got traumatised by Disney deaths in our childhoods, and we turned out... well, well enough. >.>

Hah! Nice one. Kudos to you for being such a quick thinker. I'm sure the little girl's parents were grateful that you were able to get out of that situation with little to no damage done.

As a parent, I feel like it shouldn't have been left up to you to stop that temper tantrum; that's a parents responsibility... but i give you props for the way you handled it. It was quick thinking from your part. Bet they were grateful. lol

Couldn't agree more. Parents need to be the ones dealing with their kids.

As noble as your intentions were, stopping a temper tantrum shouldn't be your job.

Tatush_ 13

Ummm maybe they're happy with their job...

I wouldn't say I'm happy with the job, but the perks of working there r worth it, and the money is good

Man, your judgemental/distasteful comments are everywhere.

Yea that makes total sense, let me quit my job because of this incident. I hate the people that come up with these half assed solutions. Some of us have responsibilities and don't have the luxury of quiting our jobs just because it can suck sometimes.

As a furry, I can tell you many people would love to have that job. Get paid for basically fursuiting? Hell yeah! And at a pet shop too.

Lol tantrum? At what age? If I tried that even at 5..I would have gotten the 'warning eyes' from my mum. Good on you for your effort.

And she didn't throw a temper tantrum because you died? Wut