There's no justice

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my car got keyed because I was parked in a handicapped parking spot. I'm handicapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 861
You deserved it 2 614

Same thing different taste

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If a paraplegic gets an std is he now "Handiclapped"? Or is it "Herpecapped"? Can't for the life of me remember...

How do u know they keyed ur car for that reason? Maybe they just hated u cuz u were driving like an ass earlier or they just didn't like ur face or whatever.

To pinglol I agree 100% pregnant ladies shouldn't get parking spots. Getting pregnant is a choice, not a right. However I think the law recognizes this so even if u park in a mothers parking spot u don't get a ticket for it but in handicapped spots you do.

...did you just say people don't have the right to get pregnant?

juturnaamo 29

I think she meant it's not our responsibility to make sure the pregnant are coddled, but the disabled are not disabled by choice, and we should be looking out for their welfare. BTW the pregnancy spots aren't a recognized legal entity, just an option an establishment exercises to have a more mommy friendly store. You can't be ticketed, but the owner could have you towed.

I get what she meant, but she quite literally said "Getting pregnant is a choice, not a right." I've never seen spots for pregnant people though, but hell they can only claim it for a month (max 2) so why get an ulcer over the issue.

I live on a military base and they have it at the bx (our store) and the hospital. What really pisses me off is when non-pregnant people use those spots when they are there to simply make the pregnant woman's life just a bit easier.

actually, they're allowed to use it the entire pregnancy. and some women do have REALLY rough pregnancies. its usually just pharmacies from what I've seen. If I was having horrible morning (or all day) sickness you better believe I'd use those spots. If its a spot marked for X, Y, or Z... it should be kept for X, Y or Z. If it doesn't apply to you don't park there. Also, pinglol was saying she hated pregnant women USING HANDICAP SPOTS. she didn't say they shouldn't have spots.

Did you have your handicapped tag on your rear view mirror? Or is there a symbol on your license plate? If so, FYL because the person is a total jerk for doing that.

And you know the reason how? maybe they saw you driving before and it was so horrible that they were reminded of the recklessness when they stumbled across ur parked car?

varkey 7
funny_girly1 0

Sorry dude. Keep your head up, those losers will get what deserve one day! :)

funny_girly1 0

Oops get what they* deserve one day.