The Patriarch

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Mentor

Today, my daughter got her first period. Nobody was home but my husband. He didn't know what to do, except give her a sponge to put in her underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 529
You deserved it 4 342

Top comments

To be fair, that is not entirely wrong, considering a tampon works like a sponge anyway. I say A for effort.

Nice parenting... you'd think he would have done a quick Google at some point before she hit puberty.


Does the OP still have periods? Wouldn't there be some extra pads in the bathroom? Or is that unusual to keep extras? (I'm a guy. I don't know)

dbt88 15

If she still does, probably. Unless she only uses tampons which can be scary right off the bat. Plus dad probably doesn't know how to use those very well ...

I think it's normal to keep a few spares. But we don't know OP's age; she could be going through menopause, hence no longer have anything of the kind.

Then again, if I was going through menopause and had a daughter who was yet to get her period, I would still keep stuff around for her for when she got it.

_awwhellnaw_ 45

She might be taking contraception and not on her period. Nonetheless, she should have some supplies just in case.

#99 i havent had a proper period in almost two years and i still have pads and tampons lying around. I dont see that as an excuse. Breakthrough bleeding can happen on any bc

I had my first period on my 12th birthday, at school, while wearing light blue shorts and had no pad. talk about a birthday surprise. it was bloody brilliant.

Is that what he thinks you do is wear a sponge in your underwear? Times like these I feel the school system has failed us.

If he didn't know where his wife's pads were, then a sponge is a practical stop - gap. He should have followed up by going to buy some, though.

How could a grown man with a wife not know what to do when a period comes?? My fiancé has had to buy my tampons before... I'm fact one time we had been drinking and he longboarded to a store to get me some because we couldn't drive!! Now that's a man!

I didn't know what a longboard was before looking it up. I envisioned him surfing to the store. And then asked myself, "wouldn't the tampons get wet?"

And my fiancé wonders why I explain to him how periods work.

I pictured him just grabbing a sponge from the sink, so now I'm grossed out :x

Theater_Chef_3 30

well now I would say it's time to give both your daughter and husband a very important talk about mensuration and how to take care of a body while mensurating.

I'm not sure how discussing measuring will help. It's probably past time to discuss menstruation, though.