The great pretender

By theraarman - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I found out that my girlfriend has to pretend to have another boyfriend who isn't me, because her siblings and cousins don't like me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 107
You deserved it 3 210

Top comments

Sounds like a cover for getting caught talking about her *real* other boyfriend.


James1993 0

So does he look like you, but with glasses and a funny nose and mustache? Try a new accent too.

Tell her parents how long you guys have been dateing then dump her in front of them

cheat on her and pretend it never happened!

I'm just guessing. This isn't good for you self-esteem is it?

That's what she told you, isn't it. It's more likely she's cheating on you, you know.

Comentator 0

Make her go ATM then dump her and tell her that you didn't approve of her.

Life is about breaking the rules. If she is not going to do so, find someone who will.

Even if her family doesn't approve, if she really wanted to be with you she would have stood up for the two of you being together. I'd say I agree with everyone else here. Dump her.