The creepy guy next door

By Anonymous - 05/06/2013 22:09 - United Kingdom - Worcester Park

Today, the crazy son of a bitch who lives next door to me once again got into a loud, rather one-sided argument with his cat. Twenty minutes later, he knocked on my door, asking if he could stay at my place for a couple of days. The look he gave me when I said no has me fearing for my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 096
You deserved it 4 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess he got kicked out by his cat.

zingline89 18

Good call, nobody likes being the rebound relationship.


onorexveritas 23

he must have one mean pussy

taytayforreals 2

I have been reading FML allllll day because I'm sick, and this may be the greatest FML ever. I like that the cat won he argument

I hope for your sake that he was actually just on the phone.

Cats can use phones now too? Holy shit.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Cats are assholes. Point blank period.

That's some cat...very demanding..,but honestly he seems a bit crazy...he should be checked out..,

Think about how scared he must have been to go home to that you know his fear, by the look in his eyes lol

sounds like the crazy cat man. In all seriousness, he probably needs help... that doesn't sound healthy, or normal. Good luck, OP!

You know, David Berkowitz also claimed a dog spoke to him. I would stay away.