The Big Book of Baby Names

By please don’t - 08/06/2020 02:00

Today, I had to explain to my sister in law why it’s a terrible idea to name her baby Aryan just because she likes the way it sounds. We’re all African Americans, but she still doesn’t see the issue with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 632
You deserved it 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was thinking Enward. That would be awkward.


And that's on the failed education system.

lameusername1 2

This IS my legal first name. It is a pretty crappy name to be stuck with. It does sound pretty and people always say that when I introduce myself. But reading it is a 50/50 of them pronouncing it wrong....or asking if you're a Nazi. I wish I was joking.

I happen to like the name but I hate the fact that white supremacist took the name and just murdered it. Your sister in law is wacky as hell, I wouldn’t involve your skin color because it sounds like she’d name the kid Aryan either way. She needs to check here self into a mental hospital Meanings and history of the name Aryan The most common meaning of Aryan is Aryanian . Arianians were ancient people who came to the modern country Iran over a thousand years ago and the country is named after them (land of Aryanian people). Famous real-life people named Aryan Aryan in song, story & screen In the Chronicles of Riddick the elemental in the movie is named Aereon. Which is pronounced Aryan.