That's entertainment

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was at work and I had to take a dump. Since I was the only person in the bathroom, I started singing, "I'm taking a poopy-poop poop poop poop." I was not the only person in the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 488
You deserved it 65 363

Top comments


You posted this on the wrong website. This is more of a MLIA than a FML

Ariel881 0

I usually text people while I'm going to the bathroom. Sometimes I'll text them that I'm getting paid to poop while at work.

Tamara2011 0

what? haha that's funny and nicee to do it at work i bet all the ladies when they see you just bust out in singing like christmas carols :)

Only a Coloradoan... On my birthday, I was lying on the beach on North Shore and my friend, who is also from Colorado, runs back from the restroom, kneels between me and my friend, and said, "Dudes, I know we're girls and not supposed to talk about this stuff, but I just took the biggest dump of my life. It was so impressive, I wanted to take a picture of it, but I left my camera down here." Kudos, for being native!

I literally fell out of my chair laughing at your post :)

looloothing 9

That's because Colorado is chill as **** :)

OMG, I love that song... What were you thinking?

mathman101 3

i do that all the time i sing a different song, like im in a train chuga chuga taking a shit chugga chugga talking a shit *does hand motion of pulling a train bell* poo poo :D

haha nice. i can see this being number one on the charts soon :)