
By anon - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was eating at a diner one of my friends from work recommended to me. I ordered a chicken salad sandwich, which was pretty good despite the used Band-Aid in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 503
You deserved it 1 409

Top comments

My first instinct was to complain and try and get more free food... Thinking about it that's a bad idea

That is so gross. Sorry you had to experience that, OP


That is so gross. Sorry you had to experience that, OP

My first instinct was to complain and try and get more free food... Thinking about it that's a bad idea

In this situation, trying to get free food would be reasonable and rational.

I wouldn't want to take the risk of seeing what else could end up in my food!

I would have screamed and thrown a bitch fit. Seriously, if the person was infected you could be getting some nasty shit.

Obviously the chicken got injured while making the salad sandwich, which explains the used bandaid.

Mackade 18

Thinking about whatever fluid that bandaid had on it, is probably now inside you. Yum.

They use bacteria in cheese to make it better so maybe the chef had the same idea? Though that is a nasty idea.

Please tell me you didn't actually ate that...

They said it was pretty good. So, I assume they had ate some of it.

On the bright side you just became rich