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By volleyballgirl12 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - France

Today, my grandma told me to fuck off when I tried to help her with the dishes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 534
You deserved it 6 541


I love your Grandma, I would kill for my grandma to say that to me!

LauraTheKiwi 0
YoungE 0

dont ya kno old ppl hate feeling like they hav to depend on ppl...

dont ya know that you're wrong? My mom always has me doing shit for her. She made me get up from my bed to go get the dog water. That's why my brothers and I always call her "Old lady that lives in my house!" Yes I am calling my mom old..

your mom is teaching you responsibility, and I agree with YoungE.

ksmiley 0

Maybe your Grandma has a good sense of humor, and hey, at least you got to relax ; )

myliferox247 0
daydreamstar 7

LOOOL!!! grandma ; 1000000 OP: -50000 looks like granny forgot to take her happy pills and instead took some bad a$$ ones :D this isnt a fml, try to get it sent in again and send it to America's funniest home videos and get a chance to profit ;)

Nic_hole 0

Lolz well least you didn't have to wash dishes! I hate washing the dishes

123e3 0

that's my favorite phrase right there