Slippin' up

By why - 14/03/2014 23:23 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was tanning nude in my backyard, when I took a picture of our dog lying in the grass and sent it to my dad. It was only after I looked at the picture indoors that I realized my nipple had made it into the picture too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 506
You deserved it 37 858

Same thing different taste


The one time you wish it was just your finger in the picture eh?

I hope he didn't save it. That would be awkward

That's awkward! Did he at least have the common courtesy to send a pic back? Lolol nothing better than trading nudes with family.. Haha

conman531 23

Why is this under the intimacy category? Just because you were naked doesn't mean there was anything intimate going on.

You don't know what happened after that.. Boom chicka wah wah.

25-- because most Americans are uptight about nudity. For whatever reason, we usually equate nudity with sex.

Always double check your pics especially in your case being naked

Don't worry Op, in a few hours the pic will end up on Xhamster in one of those nip slip compilations with Tara Reid Paris Hilton and others.. you'll be a celebrity :)