Scammers gonna scam

By CrystalsDontWork - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - El Paso

Today, my colleagues and I found out that our boss has been taking business advice from an astrologer, as well as a soothsayer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 226
You deserved it 2 815

Top comments

razzledazzle21 23
TheDrifter 23

Well, most employees star gaze and tell the boss sweet sounding lies anyhow, this really isn't any different.


RedPillSucks 31

Tell him his crystal ball ain't so crystal clear.

RpiesSPIES 27

Is this where I should insert a "I'm only trying to get a good look at Uranus" comment? ;P

perdix 29

I predict you will all be unemployed soon. "But the astrologer said everyone will buy our new toeless socks!..."

skyeyez9 24

An old childhood friend of mine is big into that Pagan, nature worship stuff. So much that she believes her life is already prewritten" in the stars and therefore doesn't do shit to better her life. That "karma" will one day repay her and make her prosper. That is what she gets for worshipping trees, water and dirt, "nature sprites and nature goddesses" and whatever else.

Obey_StudBoii 23

She sounds like a twisted individual.

Not all pagans are like that. I have pagan friends who work very hard to better their lives and the lives of others. Tell your friend Karma actually pays out, good or bad, in the next life, not this one. She needs to do her homework instead of using a vague idea as an excuse to be lazy.

I am pagan myself, as are many of my friends. Though we worship gods and goddesses, revere (not worship) nature, and believe to our own degree in magic, spirits, karma, and divination, we also believe that the world we live in is primarily a physical, rational one. We may consult tarot cards, or astrology to search for patterns and cyles in our lives but when it comes to making important decision, we use our heads and act rationally. Don't judge all pagans by the actions of uneducated, misinformed idiots who are 'into pagan stuff' and just want attention. very few actual pagans are anything like that.

I'm Pagan and believe very much so that the Goddess has my life planned for me. but I don't see how that means I'm not bettering myself. I work, I go to school, I have a family. don't paint us all with the same brush.

well that sucks. better start job hunting soon op

Should we assume this revelation came at the same time as the news of the business becoming bankrupt?