Real smooth

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to talk to a guy I secretly like. I was so nervous that instead of saying, "Hi, I'm Veronica," I said, "Veronica, I'm high." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 657
You deserved it 8 607


It is he probably understands

ladybunny 0

Aww! Hopefully he understood your mistake and sees that you have a funny personality...and there's always second chances ;)

gptrash420 0

Well it is 4/20 veronica, are you sure you aren't high????

lol. I woulda asked you on a date for bein so damn funny.

baconboy_42 8

I agree, your life sucks. But only because your name is Veronica.

vlcardenx3 0

my names veronica, whats wronq with having that as a name ?

Well, for starters, some people named Veronica spell wrong "wronq." Secondly, it's ugly.

Blacksmokehick 0