Rash decision

By FilthyIke - 21/08/2009 20:17 - Canada

Today, I went to the doctor to inquire about the rash I've been getting in my underarms, behind my knees and sometimes on my face. Turns out I'm allergic to sweat. I'm a varsity rugby coach, gym teacher, and I just shelled out a stack of cash to get a sauna and steam room installed in my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 761
You deserved it 4 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's hilarious. Allergic to your own sweat. Sometimes the pros just outweigh the cons, I would've just gone for that hot steamy sauna bath either way.

how can you be allergic to your own body fluids?


get a 2nd opinion that's not possible you know

Jeez some people are thick. It's entirely possible to be allergic to water, it's an EXTREMELY rare disorder called Aquagenic Urticaria which an unlucky few suffer of. It wont 'kill you' it's a skin thing. Only when in contact with your skin will it have this reaction - Rashes, patches, bumps. People HAVE this reaction, you can't really deny that. Some doctors and specialists aren't aware of it as it is so rare, so help would need to be seeked out professionally and privately.

You cantbe allergic to you own body which is pretty much what ur saying

blowfishy69 8

#134 actually yes you can. i have a guy friend allergic to his own semen. dont talk like you know everything. its a strange world we live in and even stranger events that occur on a daily basis.

ThatOneDouchebag 0

Can you please speak English? Joo R good at speek engrish.

You just made your life, and purpose in the world INVALID because of your comment.

kimmiekimmiekong 0

real question is what rugby coach/gym teacher can afford to put a sauna and steam room in their house??? unless they are already rich than I don't see them affording that and what rich person is gonna be a gym teacher and rugby coach??? I'm just sayin!

fogrunner 13

get a disability pension and rent out the sauna :B

How can you be allergic to sweat? Is that a salt-thing? I mean, it's a natural substance.

hausmad1 3

If u get Botox in ur legs and pits u Wont sweat!

I don't understand this. Wouldn't you have already noticed this? It must be a change in your diet or something because otherwise wouldn't you have been having these symptoms your whole life?