Pipe down

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - New Orleans

Today, I started a new job. I'm now trapped in a small office with a woman who says, "Oh my gravy!" constantly. In response to everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 112
You deserved it 2 299

Top comments


bennn89 5

Oh my gravy! That sounds awful.

conqueror57 11

Sure, you can call them inane comments; YOU have a job! ;-)

Yea, there's always that one comment, on an FML where someone's life did truly suck. "At least X didn't happen, which is completely irrelevant/implausible/not pertinent." Well, OP, at least she didn't come pour gravy on your face and then start dancing the haka in a tutu, whilst eating a banana 5 times a day, which is unfortunate because your girlfriend conditioned you to be aroused by them, all the while changing your background picture to a giant, scary spider, knowing you're an arachnophobe that secretly likes nickelback (which she now told everyone about.) And 26 completed your prophecy.

ViviMage 38

My roommate shouts "oh my glob!" I have it worse!

CharresBarkrey 15

40 - No, that's an awesome roommate.

Tell her that you practice Veganism and are offended by her thick, lumpy God.

Oh mylanta! How did no one get that one? I've heard it since I was a wee tyke.

I noticed you're in Louisiana. You should probably get used to that, it's not the worst thing you could encounter there. Trust me, I've got worse stories.