One day, maybe…

By PairOfSocks - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Finland - Tampere

Today, one of my friends bought a wedding dress for her upcoming wedding. My other friend intends to propose to her boyfriend, and ordered rings. I too made a purchase: a pair of socks for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 423
You deserved it 1 379

Top comments

Well a wedding dress won't keep your feet warm in winter, so i'd say you made the right choice!

Don't be in a rush to be engaged or married. Share your friends joy now - Then one day your time will come. Being in a hurry to be in a relationship causes mistakes that can hurt you.


Goblin182 26
bjspider106 4

I have had socks last longer than a marriage. I hope hey are comfortable sock.

I feel you. I see my family going on vacations to Venice, my friends going off to Barcelona, and my acquaintances doing exchanges in Ireland. And then here I am, disabled, basically useless to the world, living off government handouts, in a subsidized apartment I will probably still be in twenty years from now. Sometimes it is really hard to feel happy for others. But you do, because you care about them, and regardless of your situation you still want the best for those who are important to you.

I'd pick socks over dresses and jewelry any day.

Buying some new socks is great though! Love new socks.

out of the three of you, at least you know yours will fit