Now you know

By foolishgirl - 25/02/2009 18:41 - United States

Today, I emailed my boyfriend from work. Out of habit, I absent-mindedly entered my department into the "From" field. My boyfriend didn't notice when he replied. Now my entire department knows I want to "drop to my knees and suck him when I get home." And he plans to "finish on my face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 906
You deserved it 74 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haygurlhay 0

No sympathy from me. You should know better than to send emails like that.

perhaps texting would have been a better choice?


MajorTom85 0

Bummer. Like someone else already said, maybe they won't know it came from you. And if they do, maybe they'll just all pretend they didn't get it.

Every guy in your department now wishes he was with u and every girl hates you...way to take it on the chin at work and in the face at r a champ

that is pretty good. but it's natural I would worry about it you just made a few guys horny and a few chicks pissed off at you

Silly bitch, got what you deserved, hope be was a good duck though!

That's why I DON'T send my bf anything hahaha

Bucinka 5

You're lucky you still have a job. A certain amount of personal e-mail is expected in most American work e-mail environments, but you have some poor ethics to be using the same e-mail for work and personal. Yahoo!, Gmail, and Hotmail are free. How about using one of those accounts for your personal sluttiness?

afallingstar 22

ydi...why would you send an email like that from work? you're just asking for trouble