Nice try, Mom

By Agirl - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - El Cerrito

Today, my mom called me an asshole. She was embarrassed when she saw that a visiting family member had overheard, and tried to cover it up with, "Honey, you are a casserole! You are just delicious, any guy is gonna want you sweetie!" She honestly thought this would work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 554
You deserved it 2 896

Top comments

anzie_fml 9

Call her a bitch and if someone overhears, you were asking her to scratch the big itch on your back.


A casserole? That's sexy. She might as sell have called you a meatloaf. And your mom is two-faced. She should say what she means no matter who's around. That's so fake to act holier than thou just because someone is visiting.

She was just trying to protect her reputation. In the freezer.

RocketNinjaFish 12

Well, stop being such a casserole lol

I imagined OP giving her mom the 'are you ******* kidding me' look.

my mom does that too-_- it really is pathetic.

My mom and I call each other names all the time... All in good fun, though. When I was still in my bratty stage, I called her a bitch once and she so fittingly bitch-slapped the hell out of me. Judging by this FML though, I would assume your mom actually meant the asshole comment and seems kind of, well, stupid. FYL, OP. FYL.

DoxIxHAVExTo 10

If you both joke around like that and she was embarrassed because no one else knows that's how she plays around then this is pretty funny and you both can have a good laugh about it later. If she's actually a bitch and means it when she says things like that, then total FYL, but at least she got what she deserved for looking like the /real/ asshole in this situation.

doglover100 28

I'm sorry you have such a terrible person as your mom. 'Big hug!'