Never attempt this

By rock'n roller - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my bandmate and I decided to propose to our girlfriends, who are also in the band, at the same time in the middle of a concert. His girlfriend said yes. Mine ran off the stage crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 248
You deserved it 6 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse. She could have tried crowd surfing her way out of there..

With her running and crying it sounds like Nickelback came on stage right when you proposed. Sorry buddy.


figures101 5

Sounds like your gf is in love with your now engaged buddy. I mean think about it it makes sense. Why else would she cry? If she didn't want to she could have said yes then no when in private or said no then ran off.

Maybe she was embarrassed (by the public exhibition) to the point of tears?

I wouldn't think one of the babes would react that way, sorry, dude.

Could have, but it ultimately turned into an FML, so... I'm guessing no, it wasn't stage fright. Either way, it sucks.

KayleeFrye 39

Proposing in public always has that risk. Sometimes, even if you love the person, a proposal can catch you off guard and you might need time to gather your thoughts and make a decision. Doing it in public increases the pressure by a million.

Congrats to all of you. Certainty is worth its weight in gold

nitrog100 21

C'est la ******* vie, brochacho.

True, but a person in a band usually is used to being onstage...

garcie_star 5

After the concert what did she say

pinchepriscyla 9

Fuuuuck sorry to hear it.. Maybe they were tears of joy..?