My name is Pica…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, my dog ate so much toilet paper that she can probably wipe herself from the inside out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 115
You deserved it 461

Top comments

awildwhisper 30

A bit more fiber in her diet than you anticipated huh?

I too have a sneaky dog who preys on House guests who don't know the rules and leave the bathroom door open. 0.o Dogs are strange.


You know this can kill her, right? Please l, be a responsible owner and don't let your dog eat that much toilet paper.

awildwhisper 30

I really don't think OP "let" her dog eat the paper. I doubt OP sat there and watched as she at all of it...

awildwhisper 30

A bit more fiber in her diet than you anticipated huh?

I too have a sneaky dog who preys on House guests who don't know the rules and leave the bathroom door open. 0.o Dogs are strange.

Well, now you have a self-cleaning dog!

Fatboy007 9

My dog once chewed a hole threw concrete ?

Mr. Whipple is going to go apoplectic when he learns your dog has been squeezing the Charmin...out of her ass.