
By vanessa_d15 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was together with a few of my friends when I got up the courage to confess I have an eating disorder. One of my friends then said "... but you're not skinny." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 109
You deserved it 6 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you say to her, "and you're not intelligent."

...your friend sounds like a lovely person.


Not all people who have eating disorders are "skinny enough" to have them...

Anyone who gave this a "YDI" is clearly ignorant to even the basics of eating disorders. And your friend is a massive bitch. Definitely FYL, and I hope things are better now.

Not all eating disorder sufferers are skinny, and most eating disorders aren't simply about trying to lose weight. Most people think that an eating disorder only includes major weightloss from starving yourself (anorexia) or puking (bulimia). Binge eating disorder, pika (eating things that aren't exactly food), and bulimia (inducing vomiting) are still life threatening and life destroying, even if the person isn't emaciated.