Man caver

By Anonymous - 04/05/2023 18:00

Today, my wife screamed, cried, called me lazy and a bad parent, and threatened to leave and take our four kids. All I did was ask for an hour to myself every day for some private time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 594
You deserved it 1 136

Same thing different taste

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EVERY DAY? AN HOUR? WITH 4 KIDS? Dude...I doubt you do much parenting if you don't see how unreasonable that is. Like, I 100% understand the necessity of needing time to yourself, but that's why I'm not having 4 kids. You can only do the 1hour thing if the other parent is handling all 4 kids by themselves and... that's just so ******* hard. And you want that EVERY DAY??? Dude. Lead by example, take the kids by yourself for an hour every day for a week. You will quickly learn how unreasonable your ask is.

So how much private time does *she* get with your four kids? She sounds like she’s burnt out.


BettyBoop 7

You can have your hour....after your kids go to bed. Just like she does. And why are you mad at her? Your dumbass is the one that actually said that to her.

vg 4

I see most people here find your request unreasonable, which just tells me they don't understand why you need it. I have the same need and this is how we do it: I get up really early so I can start working eeally early (6ish am) which then again let's me get off early (2pm) and then I have about an hour between my work and before they come home. I work from home and have flexible hours, so that's how this is an option for me. I didn't have that in my ladt job, then I solved this by putting a TV, a chair and a personal pc in my spare bedroom and I sat there by myself an hour after they had gone to bed. I also have 1 day a week where I can sleep in, which is not really important for me, but it lets me get some hours by myself at the night. My wife ofcourse gets the same thing.

Do you extend the same offer to your wife in reciprocation? That she also would get one hour of private time to herself each day?

Does your wife get an hour - or any time - every day to herself? I highly doubt it. The women have the hardest part with pregnancy/childbirth. Men have it easy. So if anyone deserves some alone time, it's the mother.