By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, the guy I really like acknowledged my existence for the first time. Too bad it was through a text, saying, "lol ur a fat fukc". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 940
You deserved it 4 463

Top comments

If he a guy like that,Forget about him. You don't need someone like that in your life.

He can't even spell, run a mile away from such people, not worth even a second of your time


well theres a crush on him gone out the window. or just him out the window whichever comes first lol

sionis 3

Sounds like someone could stand to go jogging

the only up side is that you finally see what kind of person he really is.

rachh6421 12

Well he seems really literate

empsparks02 1

Did anybody else notice that the symbol beside the Anonymous was a male symbol? so all of you people saying "she deserves better" and "it's a good thing she found out he's a dick BEFORE she went out with him", the OP is actually a dude.

No... it says OP is a woman. I think you've got your symbols confused!

I think you are better off looking for someone else...chin up OP

You can lose weight ....whatever that jerk weighs lose him! You deserve so much better!

I think your taste in men may need reevaluating, op.

He is not worth it. What a rude prick!!!! I hope you find dori be more deserving than that asshole.