By notfunny - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally confessed my feelings to my long time crush. He was the only one I've been able to muster up the courage to open up to. He replied, "lmao" and hasn't texted back since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 463
You deserved it 6 792

Top comments

don't ever confess your love over texting!!! that's like breaking up over texting. what next, a note? "do you like me? check yes or no"

peff_fml 6

sounds like what would happen to me


Zombie65 0

if you were serious you would have been face to face not hiding behind a text LMAO. YDI

wow you texted him that. no wonder he replied what he did. should have told him face to face.

Chin up OP, least you learned hes a jerk now instead of later o-o

avatar0810 15

you TEXTED HIM. if your dumb enough to TEXT HIM to tell him that you deserved the lmao.

YDI your not suppose to say that stuff over text. This is the problem with people, noone can talk face to face.

boatkicker 4

This is more-or-less what I was going to say, only with a small spiel about long-distance relationships, and that.

bazingaman10 0

that's why you do those things in person, not in a text message.

Got_any_grapes1 4

Maybe he thought it stood for "Love me all over"...