Hippies for life

By Anonymous - 10/04/2022 12:00

Today, rather than age gracefully my parents have decided they’re going to be the witch and wizard of our neighbourhood, meaning they grow herbs, redecorated the house atrociously, swapped their clothes for dresses and robes, and smoke questionable tobacco in wooden pipes. God they’re so embarrassing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 371
You deserved it 1 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can only hope that with time, you too will reach an age where you reach that zen-level of “idgaf what anyone else thinks as long as I’m not hurting them”. If they’re happy doing what they do then just let them.

They sound cool! If they want someone to have a cuppa tea with them and not judge give me a shout


If you live with them, I feel bad for you, if you don’t live with them, why do you care?

I can only hope that with time, you too will reach an age where you reach that zen-level of “idgaf what anyone else thinks as long as I’m not hurting them”. If they’re happy doing what they do then just let them.

Senile dementia? Or are they just having some fun before the cold hand of Death comes for them?

2deployments1divorce 11

They sound like fun, you on the other hand...

They sound cool! If they want someone to have a cuppa tea with them and not judge give me a shout

oh grow up and let them have a little fun!! they've reached a peaceful level of idgaf. life is better when you aren't worried about what your peers think. they're living for something more than likes on their insta

Nhayaa2.0 17

Nothing wrong with living a little. Now if they start to do it Hogwarts-style in your guest room, definitely have to set some boundaries.

bobsanction 18

Life's too short to NOT be a wizard.

if you don't want them, can I have them? please?