Get packing!

By Anonymous - 03/09/2009 09:48 - United States

Today, I was able to check my voicemail and email for the first time in two weeks. The only message I got was from my landlord telling me that the house I'm renting is in foreclosure, and I needed to have all my stuff out in ten days. He left the message nine days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 309
You deserved it 5 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't there be some sort of written notice involved? Ask for more time because you didn't receive an eviction notice on paper.


I don't think this is an issue of the tenant not paying her rent. I believe this is an issue of the landlord not paying the mortgage on the house she was paying him for. I could be mistaken. However, the wording in the post makes me believe that she is paying her rent and the landlord failed to pay his mortgage. I am pretty sure that the landlord has to give her more then 10 days notice. The bank has to give him more then 10 days notice on a foreclosure, so I am sure he knew way in advance what was happening.

as if the landlord only gave her 10 days and she just happens to find out 1 day before the cutoff.

Haygenius 0

Oooh, bad luck, I hope you have a place to stay... I feel a special connection to this FML cos it was one of the ones I approved in Moderation :D

schlag321 0

I am renting a house and watching the mail as I think the owner is not covering the mortgage. We keep getting a lot of mail from a mortgage servicing company and a lot of small cards from the persons bank. It seems they keep over-drafting their bank account as well. No, I did not open the mail, one was in dis-repair when delivered by the USPS and opened when getting the mail out of the box. I will be moving soon to avoid this situation. It seems to be a common problem these days.

YDI for being so unemployed you had no reason to check any of your avenues of communication.

You do NOT have to move out! In all states that I know of tenants cannot be kicked out if the house is foreclosed. The bank becomes your new landlord under your current leasing terms. This is true EVEN IF your lease has expired and you are currently month to month. Banks don't want to be landlords. So they kick people out and tell them they have to leave and count on people not knowing their legal rights.

at least the message wasn't left 11 days ago?

mister_moops 0

better rush and post it on!

indygirl2 3

hey! They have to follow legal procedure least 30 day notice.