Free money glitch

By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 01:41 - United States

Today, I went to withdraw 200 dollars. At the ATM, I noticed a suspicious man standing really close to me. I was nervous about entering my pin number, and worried he was looking at my account information. In my panic, I got all the way home before realizing that I'd left the cash in the machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 589
You deserved it 83 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Guess it worked out for him. I don't see how you could get so nervous about something.. you completely forget it. Either way, FYL.

lol mayb that was his plan, to freak you out into forgetting your money


hahahahahahhaha you should have just told him to back off in the first place..

sheetinmyarse 0

You were probably being racist.


poor thing, people get nervous when they feel threatened and do strange things... like leaving money in an ATM. woopsie-daisies. I remember when I was about 6 I really wanted some bubble gum at the newsagency and my mum wouldn't buy it for me, so I decided to steal it. Very naughty I know, and I'd never stolen anything but I really wanted that gum. I picked it up and hid it under my hand on the counter. I was so nervous and scared that I would get caught that it wasn't until I got out of the shop that I realised I had left it on the counter. The very thing that I was desperately focusing on, and I left it behind, so I can see how the poster left his/her money behind - irrational behaviour can take a strong grip. Ironic all right.

Why is almost everyone just making fun of this? I wish you were telling me in person so I could give you a hug :)

This happened to me once in reverse. I went to an ATM in the suburbs about 10pm one night and there was a 30 year old woman getting money out so i waited about 3 metres behind her. She then noticed I was there and visibly started shaking. She seemed quite flustered and ran off as soon as the transaction had completed, she left $50 in the machine so I yelled out to her and she quickly snatched it and ran away. It was weird.

usually if you don't take the money right away, the ATM just sucks it back up along with if you dont take your card. hopefully you will be ok.

fuckmyl1f333 0

one time i found 20$ lying in an ATM...i wonder if that person got scared too