Driving force

By Anonymous - 08/04/2024 15:00 - United States - Ontario

Today, my boyfriend has been unemployed for over six months. He has applied EVERYWHERE with no luck, but he also has the opportunity to start his own business. Instead, he just spends his time sitting in front of the TV all day long. I'm starting to believe he is not a driven man, and I hate that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 382
You deserved it 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people don't want their own business for valid reasons. If he has applied everywhere, then he has done what he can.

if it's been 6 months he hasn't really tried. even McDonalds is something for now. he can call a temp agency they'll place him somewhere


Get out now. He'll always be unemployed & living off you.

Some people don't want their own business for valid reasons. If he has applied everywhere, then he has done what he can.

if it's been 6 months he hasn't really tried. even McDonalds is something for now. he can call a temp agency they'll place him somewhere

It's showing your Self-Esteem issues. Don't date someone that doesn't have the basics that you do. car, job, education. whatever. How are bills being paid? Is he spending money on anything else?