Don't interrupt me

By Bad Teacher - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Australia - West End

Today, I got sent to the head teacher's office for doing "stupid hand gestures and disrupting the class". Yesterday my teacher had told the class to do the same hand gesture to ask for permission to go to the toilet so it wouldn't interrupt her talking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 342
You deserved it 3 353

Top comments

Well there's her problem: she made up a hand gesture for peeing. Next time do the universal potty dance while saying "I gotta peeee..." Everyone knows that one.

I think it's time to hand gesture the finger to her.


I'm very confused, as to how this could be OPs fault. He/she doesn't deserve an idiotic teacher.

Some trolls just go around marking everything as YDI. I don't know why, though.

That seems like a pretty minor offense to be sent to the head teacher for.

In my experience this only happens to people who are constant disturbances and the teacher is finally fed up and snaps over something tiny. Then again this teacher could just be a dick to everyone.

I love it when teachers tell you to do something and then criticize you for doing that.

Maybe next time just blurt out "I gotta potty" like a normal adult

Did you at least get to go the bathroom first? Getting bitched out is one thing, but to get bitched out with a full bladder or while prairie dogging us just adding insult to injury.

Next time just leave and say I didn't want to interrupt you.

Rawrshi 25

Maybe you were too vague. Piss on her next time. c: She'll get the hint and the added bonus of ownership. If you pee on it, it's yours, after all!

I try that with all the girls, but they seem to take offense for some reason; especially when I sniff them to see if another male has already marked them.

Rawrshi 25

Next time bring that bitch a squirrel, Welshite. Bitches love squirrels~

Dead or alive? I've become quite adept at running down and catching rabbits. Would that work?

Rawrshi 25

Probably alive. Dead ones might imply you think she's not capable of getting her own and is inept.

cryssycakesx3 22

Hmmm I wonder if your teacher is losing it. I would tell someone.

martialart1st18 19

Where do you live that you are already in school?

Australia. I believe it's winter there now.

Lil_Red777 21

There is also such a thing as summer school.